December 14, 2012

New Light Show at Empire State Building

So I'm looking out my window last night and notice that the Empire State Building is moving. Not really, but its lights are . . . which is something I've never noticed before. Turns out this is a brand new presentation--an installation of synchronized LED lights that was installed this summer for its debut this month. You can see a better video of it from the New Jersey side and listen to the music it's synced to here HERE.

December 12, 2012

Art at Grand Central During Christmas

I love these handmade baskets for sale at the temporary Christmas art fair set up at Grand Central. There are also very nice shops set up at Bryant Park and Washington Square. The one at Washington Sqare has a booth selling some amazing hot chocolate:


I had some coffee at the Macy's new wine/chocolate/coffee shop on their remodeled second floor shoe section and the man next to me saw me drawing. He asked me to draw him (the third drawing). Then he signed it. Turns out he's a comedian called Mr. Pregnant. You never know who you're sitting next to in New York.

The Apple Store at Grand Central

I have been attending some free workshops at the Grand Central Apple Store. At any part of the day, people swarm this place. It's very open and inviting. You can walk in and just start using any of their computers with no questions asked. There are plenty of Apple employees walking around, but they seem to be there to help answer any questions. I mean you can spend an hour checking your email and no one will kick you out. . . not that I've ever done that. . .doh!

Cooking Class

Husband and I enjoyed a cooking class at Williams Sonoma. The whole meal needed some gravy.

Christmas at Columbus Circle

One of the places that is a must see in New York during Christmas is the Time Warner Shopping Center on Columbus Circle. Husband and I were here this evening for a cooking class at Williams Sonoma. See how these giant glass stars change colors?