February 24, 2012

The Park Avenue Church

I met my husband Wednesday at the steps of The Park Avenue Christian Church on the upper East Side for their Lenten Service. We have tried several churches since moving here a year ago, and this one felt the closest to "just right." Even my husband, an Episcopalian, commented that he liked the message and the efficiency of the service--meaning he was out of there in under an hour.

I appreciated that Park Avenue is a Disciples of Christ denomination with close ties to the United Church of Christ, my home church. The building was built by the Presbyterians in the early 1900s
and sold to the current congregation in 1945.

We felt welcomed, and the choir was amazing. They sang beautiful, meditative and simple songs, and during the first part of the service, were scattered around the church to encourage participation. The choir director knew what he was doing and almost seemed to be praying as he led us. I know we'll return. Here is a picture from their website.

The Papaya Dog

I had lunch at the Papaya Dog yesterday. It's located just west of Washington Park, a neighborhood on the edge, if you ask me. But it seemed safe in the day time. I ordered a fish sandwich. This is something my husband will make fun of me for. I don't know why, but I tend to order the wrong things at places that specialize. For example, I ordered a veggie burger at Hamburger King in Miami. And I frequently order fish at steak places. The fish sandwich was good here, but I should have ordered the dog, of course. As for the name of the place, I DID choose a papaya drink which was excellent alternative to a bottled water or Coke.

Still Pinching Myself

I am among the luckiest, blessed, and/or fortunate--whatever your world view--persons in the world! This picture was taken from our new apartment in Long Island City, and that's just looking west. 

We also have a completely unobstructed north view of the East River and all its commerce. 

Yesterday a helicopter flew over that said "TRUMP" on it. Do you think The Donald was in it?