July 16, 2012

Goodbye Northern View

A Different Kind of Sweet: Wagashi

I tried Wagashi, a Japanese sweet, sold at this beautiful store called The Manamoto Kitchoan (Kitchen) on Fifth Avenue in Midtown. While it looks like a cookie in this picture, it's more of a liquidy sponge. It's actually a peach flavored bean paste wrapped with soft rice cake. Very tasty! There are all kinds of images of their candy if you "Google" Manamoto Kitchoan. Every item is like a painting.

God Is Still Speaking

One thing I cannot do in NY is sew. My trusty Sears and Roebuck sewing machine from the 1970s is too heavy to travel with me. So while I was home (Cincinnati) this last jaunt, I whipped up these flags for my church. In teaching myself how to attached the white letters, I learned my machine was more sophisticated than I ever knew!


Finally, some clouds rolled in yesterday to give rain. Not enough, but oh how wonderful it was to see.