September 13, 2013

Project Completed

I recently started and finished a day-long project at my midwestern home. It simply involved pulling weeds, mulching, planting mums, and generally sprucing up the lawn. It felt good to have accomplished the job.

There are many lovely things about living in New York, but I do miss having a lawn. Lawn work is the perfect activity for perking up your mood: you work hard, get dirty and see your results immediately. I haven't found an activity in New York that compares.

September 9, 2013

Quite a Bumper Sticker

I often wonder if bumper stickers serve any real purpose. Does it change my mind or alter my day to read that the driver in front of me is proud of her grand-son or is passionate about the Bengals football team? This person apparently believed he was spreading a clear message everywhere he went by hauling a trailer with a painted sign on the back and three flags waving in the wind. 

September 8, 2013

"Let's Get Together

When a New Yorker suggests getting together, it's usually over a drink. Back in Cincinnati, a good friend thought of a creative way for us to spend time together. We met at a horse farm where her grand-daughter keeps her horse, Secret. We had a wonderful time watching her (the grand-daughter) put Secret through its exercises for an hour or so. I like meeting friends for a drink, but this was original!

Cincinnati Skyline

I'm back in Cincinnati for the next few months. Here's the view of Cincinnati's skyline as I descend from the infamous "cut in the hill" on Highway 75 heading home from the airport. I'm glad to be able to use a car to travel instead of pounding the pavement everywhere I go.