For $9.99 you can have your groceries DELIVERED to your apartment! Not only that, but you can pull up the grocery store's website, shop their weekly flyer for specials, click on anything in the flyer, look at recipes for that item, see what sizes are available and even request that it all be chopped, mixed and cooked before they deliver it. Okay, I exaggerated a little on that last part. But, how great is it that I can skip shopping the aisles and deciding best values in my head, unloading it all at the casier and SCHEPPING back with all that stuff?
I tried ordering my groceries this way last week. I spent 20 minutes on the site choosing my items and was able to select a specific time for delivery! It was 10 in the morning when I placed my order, and I asked for delivery by 4:15 p.m. As I was walking about NY later that morning, I received a call from the grocery store. They were out of the 10 oz. package of cheese, could they substitute 14 oz? Heck, yeah! Substitute any thing you want as long as I don't have to pick all that stuff out and carry it home with me. Worth it!