April 8, 2011

Great Day

Today I toured the Japanese Society's Good Bye Kitty art exhibit which consisted of some real funky stuff. My favorite was this wall-sized piece of vellum that the artist (Tomoko Shioyasu) had cut tiny organic shapes out of to look like a giant ocean whirlpool. It was hung freely from the ceiling and a light was shone through it, so you could experience the piece itself, then again it's shadow on the wall and also its elongated imagery on the carpet behind the light. It took the artist a year to finish. All I could think of was what if I tripped and fell into it ripping it apart? Would she be mad?

Another favorite was this piece of glued together silk flower petals hanging in layers from the ceiling (Haruka Kōjin). Here's the link for more info: Good Bye Kitty.

Then I was on my hunt for my 3 o'clock chocolate fix. Found that at a yogurt bar where I ordered chocolate yogurt (only 130 calories!) with brownie chunk topping (1,249 calories). On my walk home, I noticed a place, called Sprig, that advertised Peet's coffee and thought I'd try a cup. A friend, Shannon O. gets plenty excited about Peet's coffee. The menu was so enticing and the food smelled so good, I ordered a complete lunch -- this was 3:30 p.m., way to close to dinner -- but I justified it by eating only half and saving the rest for dinner.

About the time my food arrived, Rob S. called me, as I was expecting either this day or the next, and turned out he was only 4 blocks away. He and I shared coffee and tea and had a nice conversation. About the time Rob had to leave, Paul called and headed our way from Herald Square. He got there and ordered dinner and I had a peach martini, so I was at this restaurant from 3:30 until 7. Sweet!

Paul informed me we were eating in the former Bernie Madoff building (also called the lipstick building because that's what it looks like from the exterior). We ate the rest of my late lunch meal back at the apartment aroun 10. A great day.

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