February 18, 2013

Valentine's Day at Greenpoint, Brooklyn

The sun was out this morning, so I decided to bundle up and get out of the apartment. I have been wanting to explore the local bus routes, because taxi transport here is limited and I've been interested in the area where my husband runs just south of here called Greenpoint. So I looked up the bus route to get there. I still had to walk eight city blocks to the bus stop.

The stop was located along a busy street, and there were a couple of people waiting. A two-sided glass shelter enclosed a bench where four could sit comfortably. I felt plenty safe. Greenpoint was two stops away. The bus itself was clean and modern-looking. There were about 20 people on board, and I had no problem finding a seat. Bus fare is $2.25 cash or you may use your subway card.

Here are two photos of downtown Greenpoint. My friends and family from Chrisney (Indiana) may think, like I did, that it looks a little like Rockport (Indiana)--a local main street with small dress/re-sell/shoe repair stores plus a diner here and there.

I dopped into several shops and noticed most people were speaking Polish. I was too intimidated to order a sandwich at the local meat market because of that. But I have since read about Polish meat markets, and I wish I had brought home some sausages. You can read a great blog entry about Greenpoint's meat markets here: Untapped New York.

It was Valentine's Day, and the candy and flower shops were bustling. I took these pics later in the day back in LIC.

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