August 30, 2012

This is how you might park a car in a city that has very few parking spaces.

DOCU Week--Missed it!

This poster for DOCU Weeks caught my eye back in July and I took this picture to remember to check it out. I missed it. That's kind of the way things go here. If you don't write it on your calendar, you'll get distracted by other things. Anyway, I think I'll check this theatre, IFC Center, out soon and watch a good independent film. It's near Washington Park in Manhattan. 

I love learning about new things through the documentaries. I'm a slow reader, and watching a film is more efficient for me, plus, I seem to remember what I've learned better than if I read a book. The thing I want to say about documentaries is this: How can you tell if the writer of a documentary is being honest or has a slanted point of view?