February 13, 2013

Arrojo's Salon

For a real treat, take yourself to Nick Arrojo's hair salon on the Lower East Side where Nick Arrojo, of What Not To Wear fame, runs a salon, school, and coffee shop. You'll be greeted up front and escorted to the coffee shop waiting area where someone will ask to take your coat and bags. An assistant to your hairstylist will fetch you and take you to the styling area.

I was there for cut and color, so I was visited by two young people, master colorist Amanda and master stylist James who looked at me so sweetly that I immediately liked them. Their pictures from the website show exactly their kind expressions that day. I was going to put their last name here, but their business cards only give their first names--so New York.
Amanda, Master Stylist at Arrojo's
James, Master Colorist at Arrojo's
As they worked and talked easily with me, it was obvious that they truly enjoyed their work. . . and their life, for that matter. I felt like I'd made new friends. Oh, and my hair looks great!

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